En savoir plus sur Cloudbeds

Cloudbeds est une solution cloud de gestion hôtelière adaptée aux hôtels de petite et moyenne taille, aux locations de vacances, aux auberges et aux chambres d'hôtes. Les principales fonctionnalités incluent la gestion de front-office, les réservations centralisées, la gestion du ménage, le moteur de réservation en ligne, le CRM (Customer Relationship Management), la business intelligence et le point de vente au détail. Cloudbeds est en mesure de recevoir des réservations à partir de plusieurs canaux, notamment des agences de voyages en ligne comme Booking.com et Expedia, Facebook, un moteur de réservation en ligne ou des clients sans rendez-vous. La solution offre un calendrier par glisser-déposer de toutes les chambres et réservations et les utilisateurs peuvent voir qui a modifié, annulé, créé, déplacé ou ajusté une réservation. L'inventaire peut être synchronisé automatiquement à partir de la solution pour les moteurs de réservation, les agences de voyages en ligne et les autres marchés en ligne. La solution prend en charge plusieurs langues et devises. Les utilisateurs peuvent configurer des taxes, des frais et des politiques à appliquer par chambre, par article ou dans une combinaison personnalisée.
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Cloudbeds - Prix

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Cloudbeds - Avis

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Tous les avis sur Cloudbeds

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327 avis
  • Secteur d'activité : Loisirs, voyage et tourisme
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 31/07/2024

Chaque jour plus décevant

Mise en place lourde (comme n’importe quelle autre solution) en 2018. Depuis, nous l’utilisons tous les jours pour gérer un hôtel de 17 chambres au Brésil. C’est assez convivial et simple surtout le calendrier. Le système de tarification est lourd, la gestion des clients et réservations présente des bugs évidents depuis des années qui n’ont jamais été corrigés et sont fatigants au quotidien : par exemple une recherche par nom de client qui va afficher les réservations les plus anciennes au lieu des plus recentes > perte de temps systématique (c’est un exemple parmi tant d’autres).
Il y a souvent des bugs qui ne sont pas toujours corrigés et malheureusement le support est très limité, je n’ai jamais réussi à implémenter plusieurs OTA par faute de support compétent + réponse par email donc il faut s’armer de patience…
Nous avons essuyé les plâtres du système de tarification adaptatif ce qui a fait exploser tout notre système car Cloudbeds vendait des fonctionnalités absolument pas prêtes à être déployées > il a fallu tout reprogrammer + nombreux préjudices commerciaux sans jamais une excuse de la part de Cloudbeds.
Si la transition n’était pas aussi traumatique, cela fait au moins 3 ans que j’aurais changé de système. On reste donc avec Cloudbeds par dépit… le temps d’avoir le courage de changer.


Assez simple d’utilisation et tout intégré pour un prix qui reste raisonnable.


Beaucoup de bug, aucun support téléphonique, support en ligne décevant, volonté de faire des ventes additionnelles avec des produits ou services qui ne fonctionnent pas au lieu d’améliorer ce qui existe déjà.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Bonjour Stéphane R.,

Merci d'avoir pris le temps de partager vos commentaires. Quelqu'un de notre équipe de direction a pris contact avec vous et serait heureux de vous parler.

Répondu le 06/08/2024
  • Secteur d'activité : Développement et commerce international
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 18/11/2023

Logiciel de réservation


Cloudbeds est un très bon logiciel qui me permet de faire des réservations à distance et tout faire sans déplacement. C'est un bon logiciel.


Je n'ai pas d'inconvénients avec ce logiciel pour le moment.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Hermann,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about Cloudbeds software. We appreciate it!

Répondu le 21/11/2023
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 28/11/2021

Un super PMS avec qq petites lacunes qui devraient être rapidement résolues ....


Rapports détaillés
Déploiement sur plusieurs PC
Channel Manager
Le support avec réponses détaillées sous 24H!


Quelques ponts faible
Que ce soit dans les rapports sur ADR, RevPar, Occupancy, il est impossible d'avoir directement des valeurs annuelles (Totaux annuels et % annuels).
Les ADR et RevPar somment de manière indifférenciée les prix des chambres avec commission OTA à payer (ex Booking.com) et les prix des chambres avec commission déjà payées (ex Expedia/Hotels.com).
Il y a un page web spéciale pour écrire des "Product ideas" qui n'est plus mise à jour par Cloudbeds depuis 9 mois et aucune des suggestions n'est prise en compte.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us such an amazing review. We truly appreciate your feedback and are happy that you expressed the concerns. Thank you for giving us the details and while we work on updating our Ideas board, please do not hesitate to send them over at [email protected] - our support team are more than happy to discuss with you on this matter.

Répondu le 25/04/2022
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
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Support client

Publié le 20/08/2024

Cloudbeds exceeds our expectations with SERVICE second to none1

A pure pleasure, start to finish. If you hae a small hotel this platform is for you.


It is easy to use on the desktop or mobile.... and the Service is amazing.. Always available. Aways helpful and patient... Always knowledgable... It is this life blood of our small hotel


nothing really... it meets all our needs and then some!

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Christopher,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about how easy Cloudbeds is to use on both mobile and desktop, along with the service. We appreciate it!

Répondu le 05/09/2024
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 20/02/2024

Decision for Cloudbeds

So far, so good; we have just started Cloudbeds!


Enables integration to Quickbooks, very good support team


no reservation with click and drag, some features are complicated

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Natja,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about the integrations with Quickbooks as well as our support team. We appreciate it!

Répondu le 26/02/2024
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
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Support client

Publié le 15/03/2024

Customer Service

Looking for a new program ! I use to love the program but they have cut back on help I think and now you cant get help very easy . You have to wait forever. Not what it use to be!


Customer service was great when I signed up and it was great for about a year.


You can't get help. When you do the live chats they just keep taking you in circles. Sending you links to go to . I cant even get into my cloudbeds now and am just waiting on someone to respond through a email . Such a panic feeling and I have customers waiting to book and can't get in the system to book or see whats available .

Alternatives envisagées 


Pourquoi passer à Cloudbeds

Sounded better at the time. Pricing was the same and I liked who I was working with and he had told me he would be the go to guy when I needed something . I heard from him for about 4 months into it then he disapeared.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Karin N,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Someone from our leadership team has reached out to you to discuss this more.


Répondu le 02/04/2024
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 07/11/2024

Does the job, but somewhat disappointing

Frustrating, I was under the impression that the software was smarter. A simple report will force you to do a bunch of manual calculations. Taxes aren't included in payout breakdowns, not sure how that was decided.


It serves as an all in one PMS, channel manager, and communications hub. Support is available all the time despite not always being the most helpful. Nice calendar and dashboard.


The software can be painfully unintuitive. Reporting is oddly very lacking. Hostaway had much better reporting, which to me is a surprise. Each reservation coming from an OTA has pending balances (we are on Channel Connect) which isn't good for our book keeping. Airbnb which is the same for everyone doesn't get balanced out automatically, you have to do this manually. You also have to manually rectify cancellations otherwise they will show as paid. Google Hotel ads isn't working, be wary about this on your sales call because this was a big reason we joined, but so far we have no idea how this works.

  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 5 001–10 000 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 10/05/2024

Embraces the diversity in the field and the guiding principles

Championing sustainability in the industry. Cloudbeds gives the most comprehensive insight into the structure and functioning of this industry.


There is a sense of leadership and responsibility found in Cloudbeds. It has for a long time served as an umbrella in my hospitality management journey. Chiefly, Cloudbeds optimize business performance through its daily assistance in operations. It is also easy to deal with customer complaints and inquiries.


I had issues with bookings. It was slow to load new entries which affected our schedule. The issue was attended by the support team.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Henrico,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about Cloudbeds management, and customer inquiries/complaints. We appreciate it!

Répondu le 16/05/2024
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 25/05/2023

Disgusting customer service

For 3 years I have persevered 😣 now I am done and do not recommend


The original sales rep in 2020 [sensitive content hidden] was amazing. So supportive, happy to help and fix any problems. Once he left you couldn't get any help in Australia


The customer service support team is a joke. There is no support and defiantly don't try and add two separate properties to one account

Alternatives envisagées 

RMS Cloud

Pourquoi choisir Cloudbeds 

Let's hope they offer support to their customers

Pourquoi passer à Cloudbeds

Because the sales rep was amazingly supportive in 2020. Since left the company.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Julieann,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Someone from our leadership team will contact you to speak with you.


Répondu le 26/05/2023
Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Design graphique
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 08/11/2023


They have an excellent sales team whom really oversold us on their service. Careful. Nice support team as well (if/when you can reach them) but very limited support hours, often hard to reach. Moreover, they have a lot of hidden fees (specifically for credit card processing) that make them a lot more expensive than we initially anticipated when signing up.


They have a turnkey solution, although many other PMS providers have it as well.


By far the biggest issues relate to very poor service. When you eventually reach a support person they are very nice but its so hard to reach anyone when you actually need help. Let me put it this way, we've used Cloudbeds for over two years and have spent the last three days trying to get help from Cloudbeds in merely identifying which report to use, and which line item to use to determine total gross revenue. A seemingly rudimentary question which takes hours of being on hold, finally reaching a junior rep who points us to room revenue (which is not total revenue), another points us to total payments, another points us to total debits, all of which have worked for the company for under 5 months. So when asked to respectfully transfer us to someone senior or experienced with cloudbeds we spend 25 minutes on hold only to be told that nobody is available. Its just so frustrating when trying to run 4 businesses and we can't even get a straight answer on our "total revenue" for a basic PL report we are trying to produce but have now spent 3 days trying to finish.

Réponse de Cloudbeds


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Would you be open to discussing more? Please email [email protected] and reference this review. Someone from our leadership team would be happy to speak with you.

Répondu le 21/11/2023
Poul Percy
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 26/01/2024

Unstable, crashes and no explanation

Very unstable since November 2023 and no explanations, no compensation - Just answers saying that they are aware of the problem and working on it.


When it functions it is pretty ok but has some features that are worthless - E.g. housekeeping. There is no app, but a webapp that does not perform well


Since November 2023, there have been a lot of blackouts - Almost daily, there are some kinds of technical issues, and monthly, you can expect a blackout that lasts hours. And then there is absolutely no connection whatsoever.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Poul Percy,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Would you be open to discussing more? Please email [email protected] and reference this review. Someone from our leadership team would be happy to speak with you.

Répondu le 13/02/2024
Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant Essai gratuit
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 11/08/2023

Stolen 1830 usd


As if the lackluster communication wasn't enough, their decision to cancel our contract without any reasonable explanation was a slap in the face. We invested both time and money into this arrangement, only to be left high and dry. It's as if they have no regard for their customers' investments or the agreements they make.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hello, we have reviewed your case and per our response, we are unable to provide the refund due to the contract's terms and conditions. Please don't hesitate to reach out with further questions.

Répondu le 16/08/2023
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 22/06/2023

Great all-rounder with a rapid rate of feature updates.

Great - probably the leader in the PMS space. You get what you pay for!


Ease of use and integrations with OTAs. Rapid rate of feature udates.


It's very expensive and somewhat glitchy at times. Missing native Xero/Quickbooks accounting integration.

Alternatives envisagées 


Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Llyr,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about the ease of use and integrations with OTA's. We appreciate it!

Regarding the pricing and integrations, would you be open to discussing more? Please email [email protected] and reference this review. Someone from our leadership team would be happy to speak with you.


Répondu le 10/07/2023
Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Logiciels
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé toutes les semaines pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 13/07/2023

Nice Property Manage Suite



What I like about the solution is the almost 360 management capability and ease of access when comes to managing the whole property management ecosystem. I have the privilege of working as a freelancer implementing the solution for an Hotel and I can say it's a smooth one with less configuration chaos.


Nothing to like less about it, it's a smooth solution.

Réponse de Cloudbeds


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about Cloudbeds management capability and property management ecosystem.


Répondu le 17/07/2023
Utilisateur vérifié
  • Secteur d'activité : Loisirs, voyage et tourisme
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les mois pendant Essai gratuit
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 18/11/2023

Great experience overall


Cloudbeds is not the cheapest PMS on the market, but it is one of the cleaner solutions from an UX perspective, and the support is top notch! You get what you pay for!


Nothing to complain about... it's a great PMS.. maybe the price?

Réponse de Cloudbeds


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about Cloudbeds PMS, solutions and support. We appreciate it!

Répondu le 27/11/2023
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 10/01/2023

The Awan Villas with CloudBed, by name user era suwandira

Hospitality is a new world for me, but using a cloud bed makes it very easy for me to accept reservations from various online travel agencies and really helps us to market The Awan Villa


Make it easy for us to change price in one place


I think everything is going welland there are no significant obstacles

  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 07/01/2023

Best Solution for High-Growth Accomodation Businesses


This software is unbelievably user friendly and has made our property function at a high level. We have every tool necessary under one hood and my team feels comfortable navigating and enhancing the system as new features are announced. Cloudbeds understands how annoying the ecosystem of technology can be for an operator such as us (three independent properties) and has been a true partner helping our growth.


Cloudbeds is formally adding new integration partners to handle very "local" needs we have in Latin America related to government invoicing.

Alternatives envisagées 

SiteMinder et Mews

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Eric,

Thank you for your feedback. We are happy to hear that you are achieving success and growth with our platform! If there is anything we can do to assist you further, please reach out to [email protected].

Warm regards,
The Cloudbeds Team

Répondu le 15/02/2023
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 30/01/2023

Worst pms channel manger ever



Nonthig customer support was disappointing


What was promised never delivered and even got charged

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hello Bobby,
Customer satisfaction is important to us, and we appreciate your feedback. Could you please provide more details on the promises that were not delivered and the charges that were incurred?

This information will help us understand and address the issues you faced. Our team is available to assist you in resolving any problems and ensure a positive experience moving forward.

You can contact us at [email protected]. We thank you once again for your feedback and look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.

Warm regards,
The Cloudbeds Team

Répondu le 06/02/2023
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 11–50 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 20/02/2020

Front end is ok but back-end is far from acceptable

I was excited but after using it I was disappointed. On the front end, I do not deny that it has helped us in terms of inventory management and connection with OTAs. Nonetheless, the backend processes have really thrown us into utter disappointment. The support staff were trying to help but often provided workaround solutions that will put the property in a bigger issue. For instance, we had problems with having to manually confirm customers upon successful clearance of payment by Stripe and the solution suggested to us by the Support team is allow for a blanket confirmation regardless of whether the payment is cleared. I was utterly shocked to see that coming from the Support team as this comes at a high level of risk to the property given that the resort will be held accountable for the confirmation email.

The reason why we signed up for the Payment Processing module is so that we do not have to worry about receiving payments and do not have to worry about manually confirming payment ourselves. Besides, often when technicalities are involved, the Support team will say they need to speak to the Technical or Development team but without any proper deadline of when the problem will be solved. It is frustrated to deal with problems when there is no timeline attached as to when the problem will be solved. I suggest that the Support team work with the technical team to commit to deadlines for a problem to be solved.


I like it that it is a all-in-one software and it's easy to use.


The payment processing module is far from acceptable. Cloudbeds is integrated with Stripe but the integration is not complete and requires a lot of manual backend work to confirm a reservation once a payment is cleared. One of the reasons for signing up with Cloudbeds is to cut down the amount of manual work backend we have but only to realise later that there are many things that have to be done manually.

Manual confirmation required in a tech world - When we thought everything can be automated and Cloudbeds being a digital all-inclusive PMS provider, we were proven to be wrong. Let me give you a scenario, once a customer makes a booking and they choose to pay via credit card, a pending confirmation email gets sent to the customer while Stripe will do the payment verification and the process stops there. My team has to go back to the system to cross check each and every successful transaction and manually confirm the guests so that they get a confirmation email. What Cloudbeds could have done is to actually automatically switch the status of the guest from "Pending" to "Confirm and send email" upon receiving instructions from Stripe that the payment has gone through (this, at the time of writing remains manual on the part of property).

Besides, when a credit card payment fails to be verified by Stripe, Cloudbeds does not store the information of the customer so that we can offer the customer an alternative mode of payment. Basically if the payment fails, the info vanish

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Thanks very much for your review. We appreciate your feedback and take it seriously. The communication between support and technical teams is an important part of the customer experience. We are sorry there were moments when it didn't go well. As to payment processing, we may have new solutions for you since the posting of this review. If you would like to learn more, please email [email protected] and reference this review. Perhaps we can find you a better solution. Thank you again for the candid feedback.

Répondu le 27/05/2020
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 25/07/2021

Cloudbeds, everything you need for your Hotel

I have been using this app for a while now and i can say that it works perfect for a correct administration and management for your different areas of your hotel, it’s easy to use and more importantly, nowadays we need to do everything via remotely.


I like how incorporates everything that a hotel needs, booking, sales management, inventory management, reviews management as well as being able to control your own hotel in many ways, i been using this app for over 5 months and every single feature works well, planning and having them it’s vital for a correct organization of your hotel.


There are some features that works better outside the software ecosystem like the built in accounting, i didn’t use this and i think in might not be a key feature to the software.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Thank you for leaving us such an awesome review; we truly appreciate your feedback. Thank you for also being a loyal customer of Cloudbeds! We are happy to hear that Cloudbeds has helped you run your hotel well and that you have seen the value that it brings! You are correct to say that we do not have a built-in accounting system, however, we have our Marketplace feature that allows you to connect to third-party apps that covers multiple functions such as accounting. Please feel free to let us know if you are interested in more information about the feature and our partners!

Répondu le 19/04/2022
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : Auto-entrepreneur
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 1 à 5 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 12/05/2022

CloudBeds is the BEST!!! Hands Down!



What I like the most is that CloudBeds keeps me in control. You see, they offer the "back-end" features like the ability of my website to now take payments, and let customers pick dates and make reservations. But, unlike other sites, you STILL maintain complete control over who you decide to let come and stay in your property. When I was using the other site, I was being forced to take certain people and being pressured to not address issues when they arose. It made me feel like I was being pressured. With CloudBeds, they don't send you customers. Customers find you and you decide.


Nothing. There is nothing to complain about. It's great!

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Thank you for such an awesome review, Stephen, and for sharing your feedback regarding your experience with Cloudbeds! We are thrilled to hear that your property is benefitting from our core system features. We will continue to work hard to meet your expectations and we understand how important it is to be in full control of your inventory and manage your guests with ease. Please don't hesitate to share any additional feedback with us via [email protected].

Répondu le 21/05/2022
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus de deux ans
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 08/08/2022

Best Channel Management.

Very much easy like someone is standing with me every time to help.Move your hand but the brain part is automatically mobilized. You are using this software but you never feel strange about this software.Made well for all gorups of people.


Easy to use and user friendly.Any non trained person can use it.It is so much like the easy calendar where we can view and manage the rooms for the guest simply by dragging it out.And mostly pricing the rooms are very much easier.Overall this software is made for professional or unprofessional personality as well.Try it and you will find it the best for use with ease.The team member are very supportive in the sense of billing support,technical help and they are real human behind this software.


Like least in this thing means there are no any software better than this software for hotel management.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Thank you for taking the time and writing us such an amazing review, Mahesh. We are truly pleased to serve you as our loyal customer and are thrilled to hear how much you have been benefitting from the system and its impact on your business.

Cheers to more reservations and happier guests!

Répondu le 12/09/2022
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant plus d'un an
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 31/08/2022

There are much better options.

It was a poor experience and we will be going back to what we used previously. It’s curious, but in the last year I’ve meet several other property owners that all had similar experiences and had left cloudbeds.


Their sales team was friendly and active. I bit and went with the company.


It’s cumbersome, very slow to update and correct problems and customer service is terrible.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your feedback. We are sorry that your experience with us was not to your expectations.

If you could kindly share further details on any issues you had with our platform, this information will help us understand and address the issues you faced.

You can contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing more of your thoughts.

Warm regards,
The Cloudbeds Team

Répondu le 07/02/2023
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 11/05/2022

Best Software to manage your property in hospitality.


Our property was using 3 other PMS which were quite highly rated on the market. CloudBeds is the best PMS solution we came across.

Customer Service we rate at 15/10. It's functionality - it can do everything your property might require.
If are you a small AirBnB owner or managing a big property this is the the best software you can get.

Individual approach to the customer and flexibility in everything is something that stands out compared to their competitors.
We recommend CloudBeds to everyone in the hospitality market. You will never want to change your PMS.

Thank you CloudBeds.


Nothing to dislike. Everything is perfect.

Réponse de Cloudbeds

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us such a fantastic review. We truly appreciate your feedback and are thrilled to hear how much you value Cloudbeds and that our support efforts meet your expectations. We look forward to providing you with the best service for many more years to come.

Cheers to more reservations and happier guests!

Répondu le 13/05/2022
  • Secteur d'activité : Hôtellerie
  • Taille de l'entreprise : 2–10 employés
  • Logiciel utilisé tous les jours pendant 6 à 12 mois
  • Provenance de l'avis
Rapport qualité-prix
Support client

Publié le 12/08/2018

Great at some things, missing many

Cloudbeds is the best of an embarrassingly bad market. Their support is cheery and relatively quick to respond, which is all the more frustrating when they consistently cannot help you nor provide you insight into whether your issues will ever be fixed.

They provide an "ideas" site for their customers to use (so their employees aren't required to actually talk to customers), and they have gone as far as to REMOVE the ability to comment on ideas in order to add more detail/use cases/etc. If screaming into the void wasn't bad enough, now they've closed the door in front of your face.


Seamless integration with third party channels. Would be nice to have less manual work in between each, but that is not something Cloudbeds could change easily, since it's also up to the 3rd party.

Online booking widget/site is very good. Customer friendly, haven't received nearly any calls for people unable to figure out how to book. Calendar is relatively simple to use and provides ~80%+ of the info I need on a daily basis.


NO integration with a credit card swiping device. Instead, any walk ins or changes to credit cards for existing reservations require you to manually input the credit card, which is both time consuming AND costs us thousands of dollars extra a year in fees (keyed in cards are 1% higher than swiped for us).

No mobile app, meaning you need to use their site which is not mobile friendly.

Poor item entry to a reservation. Adding items to the system is a breeze, but adding them to a reservation takes 7 clicks IF you're already on the reservation folio, otherwise it can take 10 from the calendar! Total waste of time, especially when we sell numerous small items from our on premise store.

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